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   Do you know there are more than 15 billion plastic hangers are produced worldwide  each year.  15 billion!  你知道每一年全球能生产15亿塑料衣架吗? 15亿只!

    These plastic hangers usually end their useful life at Boutique Checkout,  and then most of them were sent to landfill or ocean.Because of the one time usage character, normally the buyer lower and lower the purchasing price of hangers, Then the quality lower and lower for the price reason.  这些塑料衣架一般在服装店的收银台结束他们的衣架使命,大部分被送到垃圾填埋场或者辗转倾倒入大海。因为这种一次性使用的特性,让采购商不断地降低采购成本,那么生产商就相对的降低衣架品质以应对成本的压力。
  There are billions low quality plastic hangers produced. They are thin, weak and short life circle. Some of them deformed when hanging clothes. Normally , Large clothes retailors are the buyers of these low quality plastic hangers. In the end, The clothes on the hangers seems weak, lower class to the client. Damaged the brand image. Even the clients of fashion boutique want to get the free hangers back home. They can not use them in home for the poor quality.  Then we got 100% waste rate on low quality plastic hangers.       上亿只的低品质塑料衣架 就这样生产出来,他们轻薄,软弱,易碎易老化。 有一些一挂衣服就会变形。通常,大型的服装连锁企业是这种衣架的集中购买商。最终,因为衣架的品质低,让悬挂的服装也显得品质低,进而伤害了服装的品牌力。有时候,一些客户会将衣架带回家,因为这品质差,他们也没有办法在家里使用。这样,便宜的塑料衣架就会100%的被弃置,浪费掉。

     And you know what ? Not only plastic hangers wasted happened. But also every tons plastic hanger produced, there will be 5.9 tons carbon dioxide come into being.  Then every year, We will got huge volume carbon dioxide only for plastic hangers. Not include the plastic production consumes 6% of the world oil output every year.

         您猜怎么着? 不仅仅是衣架被浪费掉,同时没一吨塑料衣架被新生产出来就会产生大约5.9吨的二氧化碳,这对大气产生了污染,那么想一想每一年因为新的廉价低质塑料衣架产生的巨大的碳排放。 还不包括为了生产衣架,每年要损耗大约世界原油产出的6%。

         But in fact, High quality plastic hangers are pretty, almost 10-15 years life circle. They can be used and reused and reused thousand times.  They are strong and heavy duty and can be fashion under designers. That is cheaper and better way than produce cheap lower quality hangers so much. For some certain large branded retailor companies, Why dont they use high quality plastic hangers but choose cheap ones ?  What stop them from the better choice ? 

       但是,实际上, 高品质的塑料衣架是具有美观,时尚,高承重,使用时间超长的特点。通常可以使用10-15年不变质。可以重复再重复,成千上万次重复使用,岂不是非常节约费用么?但是为什么大品牌放弃这些优势,坚持采购低品质的塑料衣架呢? 

        In worldwide international business chain . Branded retailor has clothes produced in China, Malaysia, India.....  Far from the local market. In order to avoid high local salary and chase more profit from the international business. The clothes exported from the clothes manufacturer with hangers assembled. 在全球化商贸链条中,品牌商会将服装放在远离本土的中国,东南亚国家生产,以此寻求更大的利润差额, 这些生意中,服装基本都是配着衣架一起包装运回当地市场进行售卖。

        Then when the clothes reach the local market, the retailors just hang the clothes on the rack directly. But after the clothes sold , the hangers wont back to the clothes manufacturer for high cost of long distance and also for lack of servicer because it's low profit. The client of boutique don't need them also. Local Market won't keep them also. Then landfill is the only left way.  That makes it happen : For cost control reason. the hangers are cheaper and cheaper, Then lower and lower quality .  

        那么当服装在当地市场销售时,他们只需要简单的从箱子里拿出服装挂装在展示架上就可以完成销售前准备工作。这种流程是最优销售流程。 让服装销售完之后,这些衣架大部分都被弃置,并不能再送回服装生产国,因为高额的回运成本和服务商缺失。 因为这种回运工作的利润非常单薄,那么导致从业者也比较少。 所以这就让上面的问题自然而然的产生了。

                                                           How to solve this problem ? 如何解决这个问题?

      1.  Recycle to use service.  Now some large retailors willing to help the Recycle servicer to fullfill the recycle job.  They produce high quality plastic hangers for the fashion clothes, Recycle the hangers to ship to the garment producer. The more details can visit bolinreuse.com .
     第一: 循环利用服务体系: 现在有一些大型的服装零售商愿意承担社会责任,他们会帮助服务商完成循环使用的服务,提升服务商的利润。这样他们可以采用高品质的衣架,将有使用功能的衣架退回服装生产商,再次悬挂进入销售链条。 具体细节请拜访网站了解: bolinreuse.com 

      2.  Produce recycled plastic hangers by wheat plastic, PLA material. they are biodegrable material. These normally used by smaller retailors who dont have the ability to recycle to use.
对于一些小一点的服装零售商,他们可以采用秸秆塑料和PLA原料制作的塑料衣架。这些循环原料虽然会有较高的价格,但是他们是可降解塑料,可以将塑料的危害降低到最小。 你愿意成为其中的一员吗?

       原创: 26-Oct-2022.
        Head Int'l 冠德家居
        Sunny and Linda.


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